Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Scared, are you?

Over the last few days, my first place in the contest slipped to second, and now today I find that I've slipped to third as the guy who was running third with nearly 900 votes behind me suddenly has votes over 5700... and I'm now 200 votes behind the second place gal.

I'm scared, scared I won't come anywhere close to winning this. I've never even had the chance to meet the band at any of the shows I've gone to and that was what I was most excited about here, I want to have a chance to sit down and talk with these guys, to get to know them. KG and TD seem like such interesting people, aside from my love of their music. They hail from my most beloved city of New Orleans, they play the music that just seems to meld everything I love about a band, they sing lyrics I can relate to, they do good works... what's not to love?

This contest has made me step outside my comfort zone in a big way. I'm one of the quiet ones, an introvert. I like to people watch when I'm in a crowd and unless you get me engaged in a conversation about something I'm crazy about, I might be a little reserved with you until you get to know me. There's a touch of social anxiety, here, too, I hate to put myself out there because I feel like people are gonna judge me, and here I am essentially shouting from the rooftops "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT WHAT I WORE! LOOK AT WHAT I DID!" It's harder than you might imagine LOL

And here it might all be for naught... I know I won't be the only disappointed person if this is the eventual finish. But we've got 18 days, maybe something will change. Gonna keep trying!

Here is, hands down, one of my favorite BTE songs- it's about loving someone through all the good times and bad and remaining together. Wish the quality were a touch better!

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