Saturday, August 30, 2014

Just One Day

Just 1.5 more days roughly and this contest comes to a screeching halt... and who will come out on top? It remains to be seen... We're pretty sure the winner has already claimed his spot- due to having many (bought) votes, he's light-years ahead, but who will take the second place spot? Only time will tell. I won't miss the constant paranoia, though, I can tell you that LOL Always checking to see what the competition is doing is tiring!

To be sure, competing in this contest has evoked a rollercoaster of emotions, pretty much daily. First, the thrill of knowing your photo will be in the official "Crazy Lucky" video (the first 200 submitted, CHECK), then wonder when you start to think about whether or not you could start catching up to those 9 entries ahead of you. Enthusiasm for that job LOL Awe to find your friends behind you 100% and being exceedingly grateful that everyone puts up with your constant blather about it for weeks on end. The up and the downs, the frustration as your competition gains and passes you. The feeling of helplessness as you know you will never pass the guy who bought all those votes, and more frustration as you find the contest management won't do anything about it. Pride as your votes and shares and views rack up. All this and more wrapped up in the last 6 weeks... and it's nearly over. Now let's see if we can keep the momentum going!

When I first rediscovered Better Than Ezra, the next album that came out for me to buy new was "Paper Empire." "Absolutely Still" was the first single we were treated to:

The next single to be released was "Just One Day" and for me, it's a song which stirs up a lot of emotions. Some of them I don't even feel comfortable sharing, but suffice to say, the song is about choices and loss and all sorts of other feelz. As always, what you take away from it varies from person to person, but I get the loss part most clearly and I listened to it often when faced with the loss of a friend's life two years after the song's release. To this day, I always end up in tears by the end of it, no matter how I felt beforehand. I dearly love the song and I use it to try to remind myself to live by making choices that I won't regret. Even writing about it is enough to make me teary.

On a parting note, of course, if you haven't LIKED or SHARED my contest photo, I ask that you just take a little journey over here by clicking on the contest photo below to give it a like or a share. My personal goal is to have 300 shares of the photo before it's done and we are nearly there!

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